Laser Scanning
Within the last few years, laser scanning has become a dominant technique for fast and efficient three-dimensional data acquisition in both indoor and outdoor environments. It captures large sets of 3D coordinates, using reflected laser pulses to create accurate digital models of existing objects.
The laser scanning technology combined with the dimensional control survey is a powerful tool to use, and Ocean Phoenix International Ltd is aware of the opportunities that laser scanning brings to the industry.
That is why we have invested in the latest technology, acquiring the Trimble X7 Scanner.
This powerful scanner accelerates the acquisition of data on-site, with high quality, reducing the capturing times, and allowing the surveyors to see in real-time the results on a tablet. This ensures our team leaves the site with the total confidence that all the data needed it’s been captured and ties-in perfectly.
3D Digital Twin
The ability for our clients to leverage further value from the data captured in the form of the Digital Twin models, means the ability to utilize a virtual representation of physical assets or products enabling the ability to connect the real and the virtual world to perform Visualisation and Analytics in areas such as:
Facility Configuration
Geospatial Data
Realtime Data
Process Simulation
This enables the leveraging of further information and analytics from assets:
Single Source of Truth
Demonstrate compliance
Emergency Response
Proactive Response to Trends
Remote support
Root Cause Analysis
We can see problems before we even experience them, we can better understand the needs and improve the products.